Find the best email to contact a company for a specific job
Trying to find the email of a recruiter for a job?
For every job that matches your profile, Autojob will find the best email to contact
How email templates can help you get closer to your dream job
Using our pre-made and tested templates get responses from companies
You can send personalised emails using our email variables like {{ this }}
In our dashboard, you can track email open ratio and optimize your emails
Send daily emails
Autojob collects jobs and finds the email of the company automatically. Then using your own email template for a specific job search, Autojob sends your email and your CV attached.
Stand out between candidates
Keep track of all KPIs in your organization across departments, employees, projects, and campaigns.
Write unique emails
Using Autojob you can fully optimize your writing and A/B test your email templates.
Our Pricing Plans
Choose the plan that best suits your needs and let AutoApply streamline your job search.
Perfect for job seekers just starting out. Get access to essential features.
100 jobs applications
10 job titles
CV improvements
1 weekly consultation call
Automatic emails
Choose Plan
Ideal for active job seekers who need more applications and advanced features.
1000 jobs applications
10 job titles
CV improvements
1 weekly consultation call
Automatic emails
Designed for professionals looking for a competitive edge in their job search.
Unlimited jobs applications
Unlimited job titles
CV improvements
1 weekly consultation call
Automatic emails